GooD MooD Meditation

GooD MooD Meditation

Version 4.0.2
Install +2 K
Category Lifestyle
Size 20 MB
Last Update 2023 January 9
GooD MooD Meditation

GooD MooD Meditation

Version 4.0.2
Install +2 K
Category Lifestyle
Size 20 MB
Last Update 2023 January 9
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More Info

📜 A message for your body and soul: You are born a new in every moment. We can choose to let the past dictate our future, or write our own new destiny moment to moment. With meditation you'll feel the power in trusting your own path as well as your heart. Be clam and relax your soul and body to Enjoy your life!

🧘Practice meditation every day for best results. You are meant to have your desires. Use meditation for manifesting specific desires in the highest most loving way. Meditation bring you into the present moment. Coming to the realization that I am here now. Feel how empowering this can be, as you sit in silence. 

In everyday life, human beings need peace of mind to remove all pressures from within and to have a calm mind ready to receive positive ideas and thoughts.

To do this, in all ages and from time immemorial, inner thought and silence have been referred to, which today is called meditation.

The purpose of creating this app is to create an environment with the sound of nature for meditation, and by setting a timer in the program, you can safely meditate or relax.

There are different types of natural sounds such as rain, fire, waterfall, wind, birds, etc. In this app for meditation (nature meditation), you can mix these sounds together and enjoy them.

In another part of the program, you can use our special music and mantras for meditation

Conscious breathing is very important in meditation, by observing it, the body will gain more health. Not only in meditation, but also in daily life, conscious breathing strengthens and relieves stress.

In the not too distant future, a new section will be added to the program that will teach you different things about meditation.

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